Why South Continuing Education?

Discover the value of South's Continuing Education and how we can help you customize your educational pathway to reach your goals.

☑ Our classes are open to everyone over the age of 18. Students under 18 will be permitted only with the prior consent of a parent/guardian, instructor, and Continuing Education staff.

☑ We offer both professional development courses and worker retraining certificate programs online. 

Geography will not constrain your learning if you have a computer and an internet, you can easily access our classes anywhere you live.

☑ You have the choice to take our online course with an instructor (instructor-led) or at your pace if you work through course materials more quickly.

☑ Our online course all for schedule flexibility that gives you the ability to learn and live on terms that work for you.

View our Online Courses and descriptions

350+ 6-week online courses. Each course starts monthly (usually the second Wednesday of each month); runs for 6-weeks, with a 2-week grace period in the end. Each course consists of 12 lessons for 24 hours of instruction; most for $125CEUs for vouchers and clock hours for teachers are awarded upon request and successful completion of the course. 

URL: www.ed2go.com/southsea

3-12 month online worker retraining and certification preparation programs. Available for immediate registration - start whenever you want. All books and materials are included in the price and will be sent to you upon registration. Financing may be available through ed2go career training. Review program outlines and demos. (CEUs & clock hours awarded).

URL: https://careertraining.ed2go.com/southced/

World Education provides career training and professional enrichment programs in a wide variety of verticals, including business and professional development, IT and software development, healthcare, skilled trades, media and design, education, and sustainability.

URL: https://ssc.worldeducation.net

Offers online continuing education courses for teaching professionals that are convenient, relevant, and affordable. These interactive courses provide expert instruction at a pace that fits your schedule. They are relevant to the

significant educational and social issues in today’s schools, as well as to the requirements you need to meet for re-license or career advancement. Self-paced. Start anytime. Classes are 30 hours or 45 clock hours.

URL: https://www.virtualeduc.com/ssc

Online certificate programs are for 21st Century Skills covering: Business, Communication, Career Skills, Health, Leadership, Management, New Media Marketing, Teachers. Courses are one month for 16 clock hours or 1.6 CEUs. Course content and self-quizzes are accessible for the entire course session. You can work ahead or go back and review it at your convenience. 

URL: https://www.yougotclass.org/index.cfm/Southsea

Not sure which online class is right for you? The Continuing Education staff will be happy to assist you and share the insight learned from students who have taken these classes. Please email us at southced@seattlecolleges.edu